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Mission and Vision

Our mission is to enable all students to:
Strive for excellence in all pursuits
Acquire the knowledge and skills to support learning
Be a self-directed, life-long learner
Realize personal potential
Participate responsibly and productively in our democratic society and global community

To provide the best educational experience affordable to all students
MCUSD Commitments
To provide caring, supportive and safe school environments
To provide well maintained facilities
To offer all students equal access to all programs and events
To make school meaningful, relevant and enjoyable
To provide the instruction necessary to reach all students
To assist students in recognizing and realizing their potential
To assist in preparing students for life after K-12 schooling
To educate the “whole child” through
•    Relevant and rigorous academics
•    Physical education and recreation
•    Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
•    Fine arts and performing arts
•    Current technology
•    Vocational studies that include but are not limited to FFA/AG and Silicon Valley classes

An expectation of student volunteerism to include a Senior project (12th grade)

Specific Goals

Student Opportunities
1. The District will continuously improve educational opportunities and access for all students to academically relevant and rigorous curriculum and to extracurricular and cocurricular programs and activities.
2. The District will promote a safe, caring, and supportive environment for all students through school programs, practices, and activities and via community partnerships.
3. School and District STAR scores, Academic Performance Index, Adequate Yearly Progress and related scores will continue to improve.

Professional Development
The District will develop a comprehensive and fluid professional development plan to keep pace with our ever-changing profession in meeting federal and state mandates and to realize community and District goals and objectives.

1. The District will strive for solvency by reporting its financial status quarterly to the Board of Trustees and by making appropriate fiscal and related adjustments that are in harmony with MCUSD educational goals and objectives – all while always striving to end all encroachments to the general fund.
2. The District will pursue improved fiscal sufficiency and flexibility through exploration and pursuit of additional revenue where possible, practical and applicable to MCUSD goals and objectives.  

The District will fully update a Facilities Master Plan to create priorities and timelines for maintaining, repairing and upgrading District facilities.

Community Relations
The District will develop and implement a plan to communicate with and to educate parents and community on District goals, objectives and endeavors by using the latest technology, local media, and public open forums.

The District will develop a plan that uses data to inform stakeholders and to drive decisions that support the vision, goals, and objectives of the District and community.

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