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Request for Proposal

MCUSD is seeking proposals from health agencies to operate a school-based medical van that will serve our students and the community. This enterprise aims to provide accessible, high-quality healthcare to children and families, supporting healthier futures.

✨ Why Apply?

  • Enhance healthcare access for underserved populations across Mariposa County

  • Collaborate with local schools to promote wellness

� RFP Details:

  • Deadline to Submit:   January 17, 2024 @ 2:00 p.m.

  • Services Requested: Contractor will provide preventative and primary medical care, mental health services, and/or dental screening/ preventative services.

  • Eligibility: Licensed health agencies--see RFP for more specific qualifications.

� How to Apply:
Visit this link to view the full RFP and submission instructions.  

Contact Sarah Matlock, Director of Student Services at (209) 742-0250 ext. 1271 or if you have questions.  

Student Support Services Newsletter

Welcome to the Student Support Services page!

Please click here for the first edition of the Staff Student Services Newsletter providing:

  • What SSS Does and Who We Are
  • Reasons to to Celebrate
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement News
  • Easy to Access Resources

Please reach out with any questions you may have.

Wishing you all the Best this Holiday Season!

Thank you for all you do to support the needs of Mariposa County Students.



�The Student Services Team

Welcome to Student Support Services

The Mariposa County Unified School District/Mariposa County Office of Education Student Support Services Department provides support to students, parents and staff in child welfare and attendance, discipline, and district enrollment policies, and offers a wide range of social, emotional, and health resources to help students thrive. We promote attendance and a positive school climate by focusing on the whole child, providing critical support services and removing barriers to learning.


Marcia Miller
Assistant Superintendent Special Education and Student Support Services


Sarah Matlock
Director Student Services
(209) 742-0260 ext. 1271


Stephanie Nabors
Department Secretary III
(209) 742-0260 ext. 1271


Stephanie Evans 
County Community Schools Coordinator


Dana Swarth
Foster Youth & McKinney-Vento Services Coordinator


Stephanie Walker
K-8 Mental Health & Wellness Clinician


John Phillips
9-12 Mental Health & Wellness Clinician

Annual Notification To Parents

Each year, MCUSD publishes important information for students and families in an Annual Notification to Parents. This booklet covers attendance policies, bus rules, discipline measures, immunizations, transfers, and much more. This is available for your review at any time during the school year at the link below. To obtain a hard copy, please contact your student's school.

Annual Notification to Parents 2023-2024 (English

Annual Notification to Parents 2023-2024 (Spanish

Annual Notification to Parents 2022-2023 (English)

Annual Notification to Parents 2022-2023 (Spanish)

Additional forms available:

Student Accident & Illness Insurance (English)

Student Accident & Illness Insurance (Spanish)


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Private School Affidavits

Each person between the ages of 6 and 18 is subject to compulsory full-time education, unless he or she is exempted as provided under current law. Whether a home-schooled child is exempt from public school attendance is a determination made by the supervisor of attendance or other person designated by the local governing board.


Parents who opt to privately educate or “home school” their children must first properly file a Private School Affidavit (PSA) with the CDE (Education Code (EC) Section 33190).


For information from the California Department of Education on the requirements and filing of a Private School Affidavit, please visit their website at


To file a Private School Affidavit, please do so at Special note: you will need to file these affidavits annually from October 1st through September 30th.


The supervisor of attendance or other person designated by the local governing board will then verify that an affidavit was properly filed. By filing an affidavit, the owner/head of the school acknowledges, under penalty of perjury, that the (home) school meets all statutory requirements for a full-time private school, such as keeping a record of attendance, which includes noting all absences of a half day or more, grade reporting, and providing instructional materials.


It is important to note that the verification required by EC Section 48222 shall not be construed as an evaluation, approval, or endorsement of any private school or course.


For more information, parents may visit the website for CDE’s “Schooling at Home” web page located at, which includes information about filing the PSA as well as educational resources.


To avoid attendance and SARB issues, MCUSD/MCOE highly recommends that parents submit a copy of the Private School Affidavit annually to the Student Services Department.


Please contact our office with any additional questions at (209) 742-0250 extension 1271.

Last Day of School Official Countdown

Last Day of School Official Countdown

Governing Policies

There are several policies which govern student services. Please visit our link at Board Docs to access this and other information.

Nondiscrimination in District Programs & Activities
Board Policy 0410

Uniform Complaint Procedures
Administrative Regulation 1312.3

Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
Administrative Regulation 1312.4
Exhibit: Williams Uniform Complaint Form

Board Policy 5131.2

Board Policy 5145.3
Administrative Regulation 5145.3

Sexual Harassment
Board Policy 5145.7
Administrative Regulation 5145.7

Married-Pregnant-Parenting Students
Board Policy 5146

Extracurricular & Co-Curricular Activities
Board Policy 6145
Administrative Regulation 6145
Board Policy 6145.9
Administrative Regulation 6145.9 (MCHS)

Athletic Competition
Board Policy 6145.2
Administrative Regulation 6145.2

Student Organizations & Equal Access
Board Policy 6145.5
Administrative Regulation 6145.5

Guidance-Counseling Services
Board Policy 6164.2

Nondiscrimination Statement

The Mariposa County Unified School District is committed to providing a safe school environment where all individuals in education are afforded equal access and opportunities. The District’s academic and other educational support programs, services and activities shall be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any individual based on the person’s actual race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Specifically, state law prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in enrollment, counseling, and the availability of physical education, athletic activities, and sports. Transgender students shall be permitted to participate in gender-segregated school programs and activities (e.g., athletic teams, sports competitions, and field trips) and to use facilities consistent with their gender identity. The District assures that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation in District programs. Complaints of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying are investigated through the Uniform Complaint Process. Such complaints must be filed no later than six months after knowledge of the alleged discrimination was first obtained. For a complaint form or additional information, contact Drew Sylvia, Deputy Superintendent (Discrimination/Equity and Title IX Coordinator) at (209) 742-0250. The address is: P.O. Box 8 / 5082 Old Highway North in Mariposa, CA.

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