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Associated Student Body

Want to start a New Club on Campus?  

The following documents are for use by students who wish to start a campus club.  A club application must be completed and submitted with a copy of the club's proposed constitution and budget to the Director of Student Activities for review and approval.

To establish a Club on Campus, you will need 3 things:

1. An Advisor - (Must be a Certificated Staff Member on Campus)

2. Constitution - purpose of the club and how it will benefit the majority of the student body.  Be Sure to specify the following in the Club Constitution:

  • Title, powers and duties of the officers and the manner of their election (can be listed and included in the proposed constitution).

  • Scope of proposed activities

  • Location, Date, and Time of Meetings (Clubs must meet at least once per month). 

3. List of students who are interested in starting this club and interested in becoming members (Minimum of twenty names with signatures). 

Once the above three items are completed, turn in all paperwork to the Activities Director for formal approval. From there, the information will be given to the administration for formal approval.  Below you will find the documents needed to  complete the items listed above.  

ASB Constitution for Clubs

ASB Club Application

ASB Budget Template

Meeting Minutes Template for Clubs/Classes/Teams

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MCHS Activities

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