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CSU Application: The California State University (CSU) application will open for the spring 2024 semester on August 1, 2023.


UC Application: The University of California (UC) application will open for the winter/spring 2024 semester on August 1, 2023.


Common Application: The Common Application, also referred to as the Common App, is used to help prospective college students apply to multiple colleges at once. To find out which colleges accept the Common Application, visit


Community College: There are 115 community colleges in California providing students with several educational offerings.

  • Workforce training
  • Certificate programs
  • Associate degrees
  • Preparation to transfer to a four-year institution

Enroll in a California Community College




A-G Courses Requirements: The A-G Requirements are a sequence of high school courses that students must complete (with a grade of C or better) to be minimally eligible for admission to the University of California (UC) or The California State University (CSU). They represent the basic level of academic preparation that high school students should achieve to undertake university work.

CSU Eligibility Index: The Eligibility Index (EI) is used throughout the CSU system to establish basic eligibility. Your EI is calculated using your grade point average (GPA) and your ACT or SAT score. The formula places the greatest weight on high school grades and is calculated using one of the following formulas:

  • (GPA* X 800) + SAT Critical Thinking/Reading + SAT Math
  • (GPA* X 200) + (10 x ACT Composite Score) 

*GPA of 10th-11th grade A-G course.

View the CSU Eligibility Index Table.


You can earn college credits by taking CCAP (dual-credit) and articulated classes at MCHS. You can also enroll in Merced College online, evening and summer classes. Talk to your academic counselor to find out which courses will work for you.

Find out how to enroll in Merced College classes.

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