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Stop in the Counseling Office with any questions.


Mariposa County students are very fortunate to receive the support of local businesses and organizations. Many of whom offer support in the form of scholarships to our graduates. Last year, MCHS graduates received about 80 scholarships, totaling more than $60,000. MCHS thanks our scholarship sponsors for their generosity. This year, each senior received a list of more than 50 local and regional scholarships along with instructions on how to apply for each. The MCHS Counseling Office coordinates with the local scholarship sponsors to help make the submission process as easy as possible. In addition, you'll be able to find scholarship information, updates, and forms on this page.

Scholarships for 2024/2025

Video Tutorial on Applying for Local Scholarships


Click Here for a list of Local Scholarships Still Accepting Applications!




  1. Decide which scholarships to apply for based on the description and criteria. Take note of the submission deadline.
  2. Complete your scholarship packets.
    1. Applications: Many of the scholarships require you to complete an "MCHS General Application". You can fill out the MCHS General Application using the form here and your completed application will be automatically emailed to you in a file. You'll be able to edit, print, and make copies of this file.
      1. Complete the MCHS General Application here
      2. Some sponsors provide their own applications. Hard copies are available in the counseling office.  There are links to online applications at the bottom of this page.
    2. Letters of Recommendation: Request your letters of recommendation as early as possible to give letter writers enough time to meet your deadline. Often teachers receive multiple requests. They need time to accommodate everyone and write a thoughtful response. Please be specific about what you want in the content of the letter. Also, to make requesting recommendations easier, you can use the "Letters of Recommendation" request form here: Letters of Recommendation Request Form
    3. Transcripts: If the scholarship application requires a transcript but doesn't specify "official", you can print a transcript yourself. Some applications require an "official" transcript be submitted, which you'll need to request from the counseling office. You can request official transcripts in person (there's a sign up sheet in the counseling office) or use the following form: Transcript Request Form
    4. Essays and Personal Statements: Some scholarships require an essay or personal statement be submitted with the application. Pay attention to the word count, if given. Sponsors want to hear your story and why you deserve the scholarship, but in as few words as possible.
  3. Submit your applications.
    1. Although the deadline for scholarships submissions vary, most of the local applications will be due to the counseling office on February 21, 2025. Some scholarships will need to be submitted directly to the sponsor. If you're mailing an application directly to the sponsor, it must be postmarked before the deadline. Please pay attention to when your applications are due and to where.
    2. You are responsible for making sure you have all of the components of your application. The counseling office will not verify that your applications are complete and accurate.
    3. Paper clip all of the components together for each scholarship that you submit. Do not staple applications together. 
    4. You'll receive a receipt for each application that you submit to the MCHS counseling office. This may take some time, so don't wait until the last day or you'll be standing in line.
  4. Wait to hear. A few scholarships require you to interview with the sponsor as part of the process. If you're accepted for an interview, you'll be contacted with the date, time, and location.
  5. Thank your sponsor! If you're awarded a scholarship, please thank your sponsor. The sponsors want to see you succeed, so let them know you appreciate it. The counseling office has sponsor's contact information. 




Stanislaus State is proud to announce the 2023-2024 scholarship application is now open.  All current and prospective students, who have applied for admission, and plan to attend Stan State in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 should apply. The Stan State online scholarship application allows students to apply for multiple on-campus scholarships using one application. 

The scholarships are based on the information provided by the student on their general application and data that is automatically imported from their student records.  Once the student completes the general application:

  • They will receive a list of ‘Recommended Scholarships’ which they may review and click on ‘Apply Now’ to submit their application for each scholarship of their choice.
  • They will be able to work on the application and save the form to complete at a later time.
  • Their application may automatically be applied to certain scholarships that do not require additional information if they meet the required criteria.
  • They will be able to log back into the system to check the status of their application.

The Stan State online scholarship application, instructions for completing the online scholarship application and the Scholarship Handbook may be found on the Scholarship Information page of our website.


The Financial Aid and Scholarship Office will be holding multiple Scholarship Workshops, which will go through the application process, the types of scholarships offered, and the do’s and don’ts of a successful scholarship application. We also have a pre-recorded workshop available for those who are unable to attend our scheduled workshops.

For a list of off-campus scholarships, students are encouraged to visit our Off-Campus Scholarships page.

We kindly ask that you share this information with your students. If you should have any questions about the online scholarship application or the scholarship process, please contact the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office, at (209) 667-3336 or by e-mail at

American Legion Scholarship -

David Wilson Memorial Scholarship (Merced/Mariposa Cattlemen's Association) -  DEADLINE APRIL 1

Don & Roy Splawn Charitable Foundation West Scholarship - DEADLINE SUNDAY APRIL 11

Mariposa County 4-H Council Scholarship Application - DEADLINE APRIL 9

Mariposa County Farm Bureau Scholarship Application - DEADLINE MARCH 12

Mariposa/Madera County ACSA Chapter Scholarship Application - DEADLINE MARCH 26

Merced/Mariposa Cattlemen's Association Scholarship Application - DEADLINE APRIL 1


The Mariposa chapter of the California Teachers Association (MCTA) is pleased to announce that we are offering a $750 scholarship to one graduating senior who is currently enrolled in the Mariposa County Unified School District.  Below is the required criteria.
*250-450 word essay responding to the following prompt: If you are awarded the MCTA scholarship, how would the funds help you to accomplish your educational goals? You MUST paste your response into the linked google form.  LINK TO MCTA SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION
* Upload one to two letter(s) of recommendation in the same form. 
* DEADLINE:  April 15th, 2024

PrimePutt Scholarship for Sports Majors

  • Amount: $1,000

  • Application Deadline: January 15th, 2023

SmartSolar Sustainability Scholarship

  • Amount: $1,000

  • Application Deadline: January 15th, 2023


Ray Jones Scholarship Fund Application - DEADLINE MARCH 31

Mid Valley Cowbelles Scholarship Application - DEADLINE MARCH 1

Stan State Scholarship - DEADLINE MARCH 2

The 2024-2025 Stan State Scholarship Application is now available!

Stanislaus State is proud to announce the 2024-2025 scholarship application is open.  All current and prospective students, who have applied for admission, and plan to attend Stan State in Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 are encouraged to apply. The Stan State online scholarship application allows students to apply for multiple on-campus scholarships using one application. 

The scholarships are based on the information provided by the student on their general application and data that is automatically imported from their student records.  Once the student completes the general application:

  • They will receive a list of ‘Recommended Scholarships’ which they may review and click on ‘Apply Now’ to submit their application for each scholarship of their choice.
  • They will be able to work on the application and save the form to complete at a later time.
  • Their application may automatically be applied to certain scholarships that do not require additional information if they meet the required criteria.
  • They will be able to log back into the system to check the status of their application. 

The Stan State online scholarship application, instructions for completing the online scholarship application and the Scholarship Handbook may be found on the Scholarship Information page of our website.


Yosemite Community Scholarship


1. Graduating from high school during or at the end of the 2023/2024 academic year.

2. At least ONE of the following:
     A. At least one parent or guardian has worked for at least 6 of the previous 12 months within the boundaries of Yosemite National Park, the El Portal Administrative Site, or the NPS office in Mariposa for either NPS, YHS (Aramark), TAAG, YC, NB, or at the park schools of El Portal, Yosemite Valley, or Wawona. The student must live with this parent or guardian at least 50% of the year.
     B. -or- Currently enrolled in the El Portal School, Yosemite Valley School, or Wawona School. 


Here is the link for the application:



The Financial Aid and Scholarship Office will be holding multiple scholarship workshops (see attached flyer), which will go through the application process, the types of scholarships offered and the do’s and don’ts of a successful scholarship application. We also have a pre-recorded workshop available for those who are unable to attend our scheduled workshops.

For a list of off-campus scholarships, students are encouraged to visit our Off-Campus Scholarships page.

We kindly ask that you share this information with your students. If you should have any questions about the online scholarship application or the scholarship process, please contact the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office, at (209) 667-3336 or by e-mail at






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