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You can earn college credits by taking CCAP (dual-dual-credit articulated classes at MCHS. You can also enroll in Merced College online and summer classes. Talk to your academic counselor to find out which courses will work for you. Merced College classes taken on MCHS campus are CSU and UC transferable.


The Merced College summer and fall class schedules have been posted. You can get a jump on your college General Education (GE) credits or even take a class in lieu of an MCHS class (US History, Political Science, etc.) to free up an impacted schedule. If you're interested in taking an MC class to fulfill an MCHS graduation requirement, contact your academic counselor for approval.

The MC FALL 2023 session starts 8/14/2023 and the MC SPRING 2024 semester starts 1/16/2024


Online Fall/Spring Classes that are UC/CSU Transferrable

 MC Course  Course # GE Area
 Child Growth & Development  CLDV-01  multiple
 US History  HIST-17B  multiple
 Speech  COMM-01  A1: Oral Communication
 Political Science  POSC-01  D: Social Science
 Intro to Psychology  PSYC-01A  D: Social Science
 Intro Sociology  SOC-01  D: Social Science
 Sociocultural Anthropology  ANTH-02  D: Social Science
 Intro to Microeconomics  ECON-01  D: Social Science
 Intro to Macroeconomics  ECON-02  D: Social Science
 Western Art Ren-Contemporary  ART-02  C1: Arts
 Modern Art  ART-06  C1: Arts
 Music Fundamentals  MUSG-10  C1: Arts
 Jazz Music History  MUSG-13  C1: Arts
 American Popular Music  MUSG-14  C1: Arts
 Principles of Astronomy  ASTR-01  B1: Physical Science
 General Bio for non Majors  BIOL-01  B2: Life Science
 Environmental Biology  BIOL-06  B2: Life Science
 Elementary Statistics  MATH-10  B3: Mathematics
 Contemporary Health  HLTH-10  E: Lifelong Learning
 Foundations College Success  GUID-30  E: Lifelong Learning


To view all available classes, visit the Merced College catalog.

  • Select "Guest Search" if you have not set up an MC Portal.
  • Select the area of interest and find available courses and sections



STEP 1. Complete the online MC online application for the Spring 2024 semester:  -->Apply for Admissions --> Apply Online Now--> 

  • "Sign In" if you've taken a Merced College or CCAP class previously. Use the login information you created when you first registered (This will be the same username and password as your MC portal/canvas) and complete the MC online application for the Summer/Fall 2023 semester.
  • "Create an Account" if you've never registered for Merced College and then log in to complete the MC online application for the Summer/Fall 2023 semester.

STEP 2. Complete the Merced College K-12 permit for each course you want to take. Submit the K-12 permit to MCHS for approval (K-12 permits can be dropped off in the MCHS counseling office or emailed to Mrs. Tyrrell at Hard copies of the K-12 permit are available in the counseling office.



FEES: MCHS student enrolled in 11 units or fewer at Merced College (MC) are not charged tuition -- classes are FREE. However, students are required to pay a student health fee and transportation fee each semester at MC. If the fees aren't paid, a hold will placed on their account and they may not be able to register for MC classes the following semester. The student rep fee and student body fee must be paid unless a waived fee form is submitted. There is no fee for CCAP, dual-credit classes. Students enrolled in more than 11 units in a semester are considered full-time students and the K-12 tuition exemption does not apply.

BOOKS AND SUPPLIES: Students are responsible for purchasing their own books and supplies for MC classes. MCHS will supply students enrolled in CCAP/dual-credit courses with all books and supplies.  

MC PORTAL & CANVAS: Students will need to set up their MC Portal in order to access grades, get transcripts, pay fees, or drop classes. Instructors communicate with their students through their MC Canvas and MC student email, which can only be accessed once their MC Portal is set up. The MC portal and MC canvas use the same username and password to log in. 

DROPPING CLASSES: If a student registers for a class and doesn't attend, the student will receive an "F" on their MC transcripts unless they drop the class. Dropping a class is done through the MC Portal. It is the students responsibility to see that classes are dropped correctly. 

Please have the student go to :

 1.- MC Portal

2.- WebAdvisor for Students

3.- Academic Planning

4.- Student Planning

5.- click under the calendar on the letters that say  GO TO PLAN AND SCHEDULE

(Once it opens make sure that the student is on the current semester)

6.- click on DROP (Student Should be able to drop the class in there.)

There is a website where students can enter their MC college coursework and see if it articulates to the 4 year college that they are applying to: They would need their MC unofficial transcript to know the exact course name. The website is as follows:


FALL DEADLINES:                                                                                                                            SPRING DEADLINES:

  • First day of classes -  8/14/2023                                                                                           *   First Day of Classes - 1/16/2024 
  • Last day to drop with no mark on transcripts - 9/01/2023                                                     *   Last day to drop with no mark on transcripts - 2/4/2024
  • Last day to drop with a "W" on transcripts -  11/17/2023                                                       *   Last day to drop with a "W" on transcripts - 4/28/2024
  • Finals Week - December 11 - 15                                                                                           *   Finals Week - 5/20-5/24
  • Grades posted - 1/2024                                                                                                         *   Grades Posted - 6/2024



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