Our Human Resources team wishes to assist our staff with various credential services / support and is here to answer your substitute and credential questions.
Our Credential Specialist is willing to assist you in renewing your current credential or in applying for a new credential. This process can be done by appointment. Please contact our office to set up an appointment with JoEllen Jacobs, Human Resources Coordinator, or schedule your appointment online at https://calendly.com/jjacobs-mcusd
Our Human Resources team wishes to assist our staff with various credential services and support, and is here to answer your substitute and credential questions.
The Mariposa County Office of Education can now assist our substitutes in applying for a new emergency substitute credential and as a part of your substitute employee intake. While applicants and staff are welcome to go through the credential application process on their own, we hope that our offer for this service can be helpful for our community. (To apply for an emergency substitute credential independently, you may visit the Commission on your own at ctc.ca.gov)
Otherwise, when processing your substitute application through our department, appointments and a little prep work are required, and this is outlined below.
Preparing for Your Credential Intake Appointment
You will need the following to be completed prior to your appointment:
Create an Educator Profile with the Commission for Teacher Credentialing website. You can do so here.
Complete the fingerprinting / live scan through a local live scan operator. You will need to print and complete the 41-4LS Form and pay the associated fees for fingerprinting at the time of your appointment with the fingerprinting operator.
You may schedule your fingerprinting appointment with the Mariposa County Sheriff’s Department at (209) 966-3615. Select Option 4, then select 1.
Obtain official, sealed transcripts showing the conferral of a Bachelor’s Degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university. Official transcripts will need to be provided at the time of your appointment. If you order E-transcripts, please have them emailed directly from your university/college to jjacobs@mcusd.org. The commission will not accept E-transcripts sent directly to you.
Once you have completed the above items, then you are ready to schedule your appointment to turn everything in. Please note, incomplete packets will be returned to you and your appointment will be rescheduled.
Appointments are REQUIRED to turn in your packet. Please schedule your appointment with JoEllen Jacobs at https://calendly.com/jjacobs-mcusd
What Can I Expect at my Intake Appointment?
We will help you make sure that you have all of the required documents, help you troubleshoot, provide advice, and will even mail a complete packet to the Commission for you!
Human Resources will work with you to compile the documents that are needed to complete your credential or permit application and will counsel on the next steps you will need to take to finalize your application. This will include:
Ensuring that you completed all the steps and are providing the documents listed above.
Collecting personnel data to link your profile online to the application we will be submitting (if this data is not already available with HR). This information is commonly provided to the district by you through the employment intake process.
Providing an explanation of how the application will be processed and what you may need to do, including:
How the CTC will contact you.
Following email directions from the CTC.
Application payment information.
Communicating with HR at this step in the process.
Discussing the option for a Temporary County Certificate (TCC) to be issued.
Expectations on annual renewals for credentials.
Overall, we truly look forward to working with you and helping to orient you to our district and substituting in the district!
Please contact our team with any questions in this process.
We may be able to assist you in navigating the Commission website to get your credential renewed. Please set up an appointment so that we can assist you. Be prepared to login to your Educator Profile and remember to bring a credit card to pay for the renewal.
What is a Temporary County Certificate?
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Definition: A temporary certificate issued by the employing county office of education that authorizes employment and/or salary payment to employees whose credential applications are being processed by the Commission. See Education Code sections 44332 and 44332.5 for more information.
- Applicant must have fingerprint clearance through the CTC. This clearance could be done in the following ways:
- Holds (or has already held a valid credential in the past 18 months) and the applicant is renewing, upgrading or adding to a credential document on file with the CTC; or
- Applicant has a current and valid Certificate of Clearance on file with the CTC; and
- Applicant has fingerprint clearance on file with the district as a current or new employee.
- The District must have a copy of the entirety of the credential application packet being submitted to the CTC, which may include:
- If submitting a paper application through the mail, applicant must provide a copy of the entire packet being mail, including the 41-4 form, a copy of the check or money order and all required, accompanying support documents. Please let our office mail this packet directly to the CTC for you in order for us to verify that we have completed the steps to issue a TCC.
- If submitting through the CTC online system (for renewals); applicant must provide a copy of the email verification that the application and payment were submitted. This verification comes from the CTC directly to the applicant.
- If we have recommended an application directly for a credential through the CTC online system, applicant must provide a copy of the email verification that the application and payment were submitted. This verification comes from the CTC directly to the applicant.
Please contact our office to apply for a TCC.